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Tags: 双语      作者:MedSci原创 更新:2010-07-07


Experts:70% Suffer from Sub Health Problems


  Experts on a seminar convened by the National Psychological Health Conduction and Ecucation Center in Xi'an said on Sep. 16 that 70 per cent of Chinese are suffering from sub health problems.


  World Health Organization(WHO)defined“Healthy”as“a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”, in the report said Chen Yixin from Chinese Psychological Society(CPS)'s Popularization Committee.


  Only 15 per cent of Chinese people live to the definition for Health by WHO, and 15 per cent are being sick and the rest 70 per cent are sub healthy, said experts. That is, generally, they are not suffering from organic or functional diseases and disability, but feel discomfortable, fatigue, blunt, inactive or inadaptable, and are always in a state of anxiety, annoyance, fastidium or hopelessness, and are very tired with life.


  Congenital deficiency, bad living habits or being stimulated by character, the intense from the fast speed of life and work, environmental pollution and atrocious weather can cause sub health problems, Chen Yixin said. Higher blood pressure, blood sugar, blood viscidity and being over weighed with an under-active immune system can be found in a health check. Just like the diversity in symptoms and kinds of diseases, sub health problems show it, too. Almost any kind of disease has a similar symptom to its alike sub health problem. People in medicine field including educators should shift their focus from prevention and treatment to health and sub health for helping the 70 percent to get healthy.(外语教育网 王郅译)

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